Monday, 25 February 2013

Heart Sewing Case

I mentioned ages ago (before Christmas) that I had made a present for my friend Stella (Stella's blog) and I said that I would post a picture of the present once it was finished and here it is. 

Well I had a few problems with it! I used a wet glue and unfortunately this showed through on the material in some places.  You will see where I appliqued a flower shape on the inside to cover an area that I wasn't happy with.  Needless to say I didn't feel happy giving this to Stella when I wasn't totally pleased with the end result, so I bought a different present.  Well I finally finished it off and gave it to Stella last Friday evening.  (photos courtesy of Stella - thank you).

I first made one of these cases quite a while ago with my friend Hazel who had bought the kits (pattern and cardboard) for a project for three friends.  We had so much fun over several evenings making these and I must admit I never thought that I would make another one.  That was until I saw the kit when I was in a patchwork shop in Bedfordshire and thought it would be a lovely Christmas present for Stella.  Better late than never I guess.


Here is a really simple card that I made last week. I think this could be used for many different occasions.

That's it for now.  Keep warm and thanks for looking.