This picture shows the release of 1500 balloons to mark the end of the Grand Opening Event at the academy. Quite a day - would have been good to have been there!
Instead I had a busy day and on a not so nice note, someone hit my car in the car park in Ricky and scratched the back driver's side quite badly. I wouldn't have noticed but some kind soul put a note on my window giving me the registratation number, make and model of car. They also took picutres with their mobile phone of her car and her (isn't technology wonderful). What a nice man. This means that I have now been able to report this to the police and they will investigate. Hopefully I won't have to pay out for the damage repair. I have to wait 7-14 days to hear from the police.
On an entirely different topic, I was very, very brave today and can now tick one more thing of my bucket list :-)
Thanks for looking.