Thursday, 6 December 2012

More Physio Today

More torture this morning, but it will be worth it in the end I'm sure!  Couldn't get an appointment for next week so will have to work extra hard on the exercises at home.

Had a really good evening last night at the quiz night at The Sportsman.  People were very generous and lots of money was raised.  Not quite sure how much at the moment but a very good event.  Ellie and Dan worked very hard and it paid off in a very successful evening.

We didn't win the quiz but a few of the team were lucky in the raffle and I made a bid for and won a beautiful stained glass window hanger.  All in all a good night!

That's it for today and thank you for looking.


  1. Glad you had a good night were the twinkly cup cakes popular EH???

  2. Can we see the window hanger please?

  3. Oh were they yours? Yes the cakes went very quickly. Had an e-mail today from the Parish Council that the evening raised £1,155.00 - brilliant.
