Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Robbie Williams - What an entertainer

What an entrance..............
Had a great night last night at Wembley with my BFF Coron.  The concert was fantastic and the atmosphere was wonderful. 
I had tickets to see Robbie at Knebworth all those years ago, but was not able to go as my hubby was not well and could not be left, so this was a long time coming and well worth the wait!
I had the afternoon off from work and Coron came to my house at about 2.15 then a quick drink and on the train to Wembley.  We had a meal at a lovely little Italian restaurant that Coron had visited on her last visit to Wembley.  It was great, not a lot to look at from outside but freshly prepared food, very good wine and all at a very reasonable cost.  We met up with one of Coron's colleagues on the train then with a couple of other people in the restaurant.  Had to give them the slip because one of the women had a face like a slapped arse!  Really some people just can't take a joke  :-).
Coron and I had a brilliant afternoon/evening as did the other 60 odd thousand people there.  One thing I can say for sure is that it is very difficult to find one person amongst that huge crowd!
That's it for now as I am cream crackered!  Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Busy, busy, busy

I'm back.  So much has happened over the last few months - a lovely holiday

A big and when I say big I mean huge birthday
and a new job!
Well now things have settled down a little and I have been able to spend some time doing what I enjoy most crafting!  Three friends Dawn, Stella and I got together and had an evening sewing bags.  This is my effort and I was totally surprised when I took it to work to finish it off and a colleague wants to buy it!  Just got to work out a price now.
Why don't you take a moment to pop over to see the other bags?  Click here for Stella's blog and here for Dawn's blog.  Both are well worth a visit - very talented ladies both.
Then we did a scrap page workshop with Katherine at Croxley Papercrafters.  Her scrapbooks are fantastic and truly inspirational.  Unfortunately I had to leave before I finished thanks to London Underground, but I did finish my page at home.  Katherine showed us how to create the background, it started off as plain white.  Thank you Katherine, another enjoyable sessions.
This is a picture of Alex who I always refer to as my God daughter but she isn't she is my second cousin (I think - my cousin's daughter).  She is one very talented young lady.  I have had this photograph for ages and was so pleased to finally do something with it.  I have another picture of Alex with Mark, her brother (who is my Godson).
I also made this little fellow - not a brilliant picture I know.  But I had so much  fun doing this.  Trying to stuff him with split red lentils at Odds and Sods will go down as one of those nights I won't forget in a hurry.  I thought Florrie was going to wet herself she laughed so much.  Thank you Marion for your help.
Well, that's it for now but I hope to blog a bit more frequently than over the last few months. I have so many projects to start not to mention all the UFO's lurking in dark spaces!
Thank you for visiting.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Not the day it should have been.....

This picture shows the release of 1500 balloons to mark the end of the Grand Opening Event at the academy.  Quite a day - would have been good to have been there!
Instead I had a busy day and on a not so nice note, someone hit my car in the car park in Ricky and scratched the back driver's side quite badly.  I wouldn't have noticed but some kind soul put a note on my window giving me the registratation number, make and model of car.  They also took picutres with their mobile phone of her car and her (isn't technology wonderful).  What a nice man.  This means that I have now been able to report this to the police and they will investigate.  Hopefully I won't have to pay out for the damage repair.  I have to wait 7-14 days to hear from the police.
On an entirely different topic, I was very, very brave today  and can now tick one more thing of my bucket list :-)
Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Free Candy and yet More Hens!

It would be worth you taking a trip over to Dawn the Crafter's Blog where she is kindly offering some free candy.  I for one would love to win this as it has quite a lot of blue and that just happens to be my favourite colour.  Weird really because I wasn't really aware that it was my favourite colour until I tidied my stash a while back and discovered how many "blue" things I had accumulated over the years.  The problem is I don't really make anything blue!  Told you it was weird.

As my title suggests Hazel, Pat and I finished off another stack of hens.  This time for a different charity that Hazel's daughter Fiona is raising funds for.  Pat and Hazel had knitted loads of hens and I managed about 5 or 6 I think. We had a session on Saturday afternoon finishing off the hens and then Hazel packed them in her lovely basket for their journey to Fiona's house.  Here they are ready to go. 

There were dozens in the basket and they looked as if they were trying to escape.  Is it just me or does this picture remind you of the bit in I Robot where all the old robots are in the big steel containers?
Hazel has since told me that Fiona managed to sell nearly all of the hens and raised quite a lot of money.  Once I know the exact amount I'll let you know.
That's it for today.  Thank you for looking.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Knitted Hens

Thought you might like to see some of the hens that Hazel and I have been making.  Most of these were made by Hazel but I did make quite a few.  Pat and I went over to Hazel's on Wednesday night and had a fun evening sewing on eyes, beaks and then sewing the hens together.  Then Pat came over to me on Thursday night and we sewed up another 21. 

The hens each have a Cadbury's cream egg in and Sheila has been selling these at work for £1 each for Meningitis.  BIG thanks to her.

I think theses ones look like a hen choir!

Thanks for looking.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Heart Sewing Case

I mentioned ages ago (before Christmas) that I had made a present for my friend Stella (Stella's blog) and I said that I would post a picture of the present once it was finished and here it is. 

Well I had a few problems with it! I used a wet glue and unfortunately this showed through on the material in some places.  You will see where I appliqued a flower shape on the inside to cover an area that I wasn't happy with.  Needless to say I didn't feel happy giving this to Stella when I wasn't totally pleased with the end result, so I bought a different present.  Well I finally finished it off and gave it to Stella last Friday evening.  (photos courtesy of Stella - thank you).

I first made one of these cases quite a while ago with my friend Hazel who had bought the kits (pattern and cardboard) for a project for three friends.  We had so much fun over several evenings making these and I must admit I never thought that I would make another one.  That was until I saw the kit when I was in a patchwork shop in Bedfordshire and thought it would be a lovely Christmas present for Stella.  Better late than never I guess.


Here is a really simple card that I made last week. I think this could be used for many different occasions.

That's it for now.  Keep warm and thanks for looking.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Did you miss me?

Sorry not been around much but there has been a lot going on and sadly to say most of it has not been good!

For some very odd reason my button to allow me to browse my photos had magically reappeared!  How does that happen?  My hubby always says that I must have pressed a button and I know for sure I didn't.  But I am very glad to say it has now, just as magically, reappeared.

Here is the 100th birthday card picture that I wanted to post when I noticed I had a problem.

Another note to self - practise taking better pictures and getting them straight!.  Saying that I cannot take any credit/blame for the next picture.  This one was taken by a friend on her mobile.
As most of you know my friend Hazel and I raise money for The Meningitis Trust which is a charity very close to both our hearts, and for me especially at this moment in time.  Anyway before Christmas we spent a lot of time embroidering on to white felt with red cotton to make hanging decorative hearts.  They proved extremely popular and my friend Jacqui bought all three designs.  Now I know you can't see them very clearly but here they are forming part of Jacqui's Christmas decorations.  All in all we vwere ery pleased with them and we sold everyone we made.  Next year we will be making more, so if you want to get your order in early feel free :-).  We will also be making lots of other things to sell to raise funds so watch this space.
It's good to be back.  Thanks for looking.

Friday, 11 January 2013

My friend Nona asked me to make a special card for her aunt who will be 100 next week. The card is to be from Nona's mum and the lady who will be 100 is her sister.

Both ladies live in a residential home and whilst the 100 year old lady is in very good health both physically and mentally, Nona's mum is not so well.


I do hope that Nona's aunt has a lovely birthday and likes the card from her sister.



Now that is so annoying I cannot upload the photo! The menu is not giving me the option to find my photos - anyone have any ideas what has happened?


I will try and make this work and post the card at a later stage.


Well today I have heard that I am returning to work next week on a phased return. Now that didn't take long did it? :-)


Thanks for looking and apologies about the lack of photo.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Scrapology Blog Candy

Nice chance to win some blog candy.  All you need to do is visit the Scrapology site, become a follower (if you are not already) leave a comment and add the details to your blog.  Here is a link to the Scrapology site:

The pizza box contains:
5 sheets Bazzill 12" x 12"
4 sheets Bo Bunny Beach Babe double sided 12" x 12" papers
5 different sized and shaped doilies
Pack of 2 canvases 5" x 7"
1 pack E Line Flowers mixed Vintage (30 blossoms)
1 pack Three Bugs in a Rug rub-ons - Girl
Hero Arts Sparkle Clear Stamps and Gems - Home
K & Company Rub -On Magic, Adhesive rub-ons with glitter
3 lengths Bakers Twine
10 paper roses
Selection of buttons
8 x 1m lengths of ribbon

Good luck everyone.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Jack Reacher

Went to see this film this afternoon and I enjoyed it as did Allen.  I know that the reviews haven't been that good but.....  Here is the official trailer.

I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year celebrations.