A big and when I say big I mean huge birthday
and a new job!
Well now things have settled down a little and I have been able to spend some time doing what I enjoy most crafting! Three friends Dawn, Stella and I got together and had an evening sewing bags. This is my effort and I was totally surprised when I took it to work to finish it off and a colleague wants to buy it! Just got to work out a price now.
Why don't you take a moment to pop over to see the other bags? Click here for Stella's blog and here for Dawn's blog. Both are well worth a visit - very talented ladies both.
Then we did a scrap page workshop with Katherine at Croxley Papercrafters. Her scrapbooks are fantastic and truly inspirational. Unfortunately I had to leave before I finished thanks to London Underground, but I did finish my page at home. Katherine showed us how to create the background, it started off as plain white. Thank you Katherine, another enjoyable sessions.
This is a picture of Alex who I always refer to as my God daughter but she isn't she is my second cousin (I think - my cousin's daughter). She is one very talented young lady. I have had this photograph for ages and was so pleased to finally do something with it. I have another picture of Alex with Mark, her brother (who is my Godson).
I also made this little fellow - not a brilliant picture I know. But I had so much fun doing this. Trying to stuff him with split red lentils at Odds and Sods will go down as one of those nights I won't forget in a hurry. I thought Florrie was going to wet herself she laughed so much. Thank you Marion for your help.
Well, that's it for now but I hope to blog a bit more frequently than over the last few months. I have so many projects to start not to mention all the UFO's lurking in dark spaces!
Thank you for visiting.
A new entry - about blooming time. I was getting a bit fed up with those balloons! x